The Scrappin Genealogist

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

52 weeks of genealogy: Week #3

Cars. What was your first car? Describe the make, model and color, but also any memories you have of the vehicle. You can also expand on this topic and describe the car(s) your parents drove and any childhood memories attached to it.

My first car was a Plymouth Volare station wagon that my parents let me use my junior year of high school and on into my first year of college. It was a yellowish tanny color and I hated that thing. LOL But, it was a car that I could drive and get around in and that was great for me. Once I went off to college in Idaho, my parents sold it to this jerky guy that kept wanting me to marry him. I had NO interest in him at all, but he thought it was kismet that he drove my car around. Yuck!

When I got home, my dad told me about a co-worker of his that was selling a used 1980 Toyota Corolla, and I bought it for $500. It was blue and got good gas mileage. I even drove it back to Idaho for my second year of college. I had that car until I got married in 1989. It was a good little car. We had some good times in that car.

Ahh, those were the carefree days of my youth.


TCasteel said... I have that volare commercial song stuck in my head. :-)
Theresa (Tangled Trees)

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